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Языковая школа «Саншайн»

Тесты по английскому языку

Тесты — один из лучших способов проверить уровень своих знаний по английскому языку. На нашем сайте вы сможете найти целый блок бесплатного тестирования как для новичков, так и для более продвинутых учеников. Тесты помогут увидеть, где именно у вас имеются пробелы в английском языке и какой раздел вам нужно основательно подтянуть.

Мы предлагаем вам пройти тесты по английскому языку онлайн, ведь это быстро и очень удобно! А для того, чтобы вы как можно скорее и качественнее выявили на каком уровне находятся ваши знания, мы разбили тесты на несколько самых популярных тем.

Определи свой уровень!
Определение уровня знания английского языка
Тест для начинающих состоит из 50 вопросов, каждый из которых равен одному баллу
Articles elementary
Артикли начального уровня Elementary
Тестирование на определенный, неопределенный и нулевой артикли
Future elementary
Будущее время в английском языке
Тестирование на употребление простого будущего времени
Ing Infinitive elementary
Инфинитив или форма на -ing? Вот в чем вопрос!
Повторение и закрепление грамматической темы «Инфинитив и герундий»
Modal versbs intermediate
Проверьте свои знания английских модальных глаголов
Упражнения на отработку модальных глаголов, на понимание их употребления и значений
Phrasal verbs intermediate
Фразовые глаголы в английском языке
Закрепление и контроль по теме «Предлоги. Фразовые глаголы»
Prepositions elementary
Лексические упражнения на части речи
Насколько хорошо ты знаешь предлоги места?
Present Past и Present Perfect elementary
Одни из самых непростых времен в английском языке
Повторение грамматического материала по временам Present Past и Present Perfect
Pronouns determiners intermediate
Относительные местоимения и числительные
Вставьте подходящие по смыслу варианты ответов
Определи свой уровень!
Тест для начинающих состоит из 50 вопросов, каждый из которых равен одному баллу
1. ____'s your name? Thomas
2. This is Lucy and her brother, Dan. ____ my friends.
3. ____? I'm from Italy.
4. I'm from Milan. ____ is in Italy.
5. Excuse me, how ____ your last name? R-I-L-E-Y
6. Oh, ____ are my keys!
7. I'd like ____ omelette, please.
8. And here is your ____.
9. My name's Pete and this is Sylvia. ____ doctors from France.
10. Sorry, ____ Paul. My name's Eric.
11. ____? No, he isn't.
12. ____ is the school? It's 50 years old.
13. What is ____?
14. Your bag is next ____ the table.
15. ____ are the keys? On the table.
16. I go to work ____ train.
17. She ____ a dog.
18. Stephen ____ in our company.
19. ____ they live in London?
20. ____ to the cinema.
21. When do you play tennis? ____ Mondays.
22. What time ____ work?
23. ____ two airports in the city.
24. There aren't ____ here.
25. I'm afraid it's ____.
26. They ____ popular TV programmes in the 1980s.
27. ____ at school last week?
28. Brad Pitt is a popular actor but I don't like ____.
29. We ____ the film last week.
30. He ____ tennis with me yesterday.
31. She was born ____ May 6th, 1979.
32. Where ____ last summer?
33. Were you at the shops at 5 p.m. yesterday? No, I ____
34. Excuse me, ____ is the T-shirt? It's ₤25.99.
35. She's only four but she ____.
36. This party is boring. We ____ a good time.
37. Sorry, I ____ you at the moment.
38. I ____ my computer very often.
39. It's my mum's birthday next week. I ____ her a present.
40. What ____ do after school today?
41. Gina is married to John. He's her ____
42. We usually ____ the shopping in a supermarket.
43. I love this watch! It's ____.
44. He doesn't have a car so he often uses public ____.
45. I don't go to ____ on Sundays.
46. Do you like Chinese ____?
47. They hardly ____ visit us.
48. I'm Jeff Caine. Nice to ____ you, Mr Caine.
49. Can I help you? Thanks, but I'm just ____.
50. Mandy is over there. She's ____ a blue T-shirt and jeans.
Ваш уровень:
Приходите к нам учиться
Ваш уровень:
Приходите к нам учиться

Sunshine Star

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Приходите к нам в гости — будем рады с вами посотрудничать!

Тест завершен с ошибками

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Articles elementary
Тестирование на определенный, неопределенный и нулевой артикли
1. Who is ... best player in your team?
2. I don't watch ... television very often.
3. “Is there ... bank near here?” “Yes, at ... end of this street.”
4. I can't ride ... horse.
5. .... sky is very clear tonight.
6. Do you live here or are you ... tourist?
7. What did you have for... lunch?
8. Who was ... first President of ....... United States?
9. "What time is it" "I don't know. I haven't got ..... watch?"
10. I'm sorry but I've forgotten your name. I can never remember ... names.
11. What time is ... next train to London?
12. Kate never writes ... letters. She prefers to phone people.
13. “Where's Sue?” “She's in ... garden"
14. Excuse me, I'm looking for ...... Majestic Hotel. Is it near here?
15. Gary was ill .... last week, so he didn’t go to ... work.
16. Everest is ... highest mountain in ... world.
17. I usually listen to ...... radio while I'm having ... breakfast.
18. I like .... sport. My favourite sport is... basketball.
19. Julia is... doctor. Her husband is... art teacher.
20. My apartment is on ...... second floor. Turn left at ... top of...stairs, and it‘s on ... right.
21. After... dinner, we watched .... television.
22. Last year we had ... wonderful holiday in... south of ... France.

Sunshine Star

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Приходите к нам в гости — будем рады с вами посотрудничать!

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Future elementary
Тестирование на употребление простого будущего времени
1. ... a party next Sunday. I hope you can come.
2. Do you know about Sally? ... her job, She told me last week.
3. There’s a programme on television that I want to watch. ... in five minutes.
4. The weather is nice now but I think ... later.
5. ‘What ........... next weekend?” ‘Nothing special. Why?”
6. "When you see Ann, can you ask her to phone me?” "OK, ... her"
7. "What would you like to drink, tea or coffee?” "... tea, please"
8. Don't take that newspaper away. ... it.
9. Rachel is ill, so ... to the party tomorrow night.
10. I want to meet Sarah at the station. What time ... ?
11. “Will you be at home tomorrow evening?” "No, ... ."
12. " .... you tomorrow?" “Yes, OK."

Sunshine Star

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Ing Infinitive elementary
Повторение и закрепление грамматической темы «Инфинитив и герундий»
1. Don’t forget ... off the light before you go out.
2. It's late. I must ... now.
3. I'm sorry but I haven't got time ... to you now.
4. Bill is always in the kitchen. He enjoys ... .
5. We've decided ... away for a few days.
6. You're making too much noise. Can you please stop ... ?
7. Would you like ... to dinner on Sunday?
8. That bag is too heavy for you. Let me ... you.
9. There’s a swimming pool near my house. I go ... every day.
10. Did you use a dictionary ... the letter?
11. I’d love ... a car like yours.
12. Could you ... me with this bag, please?
13. I don't mind ... here but I'd prefer to sit by the window.
14. Do you want ... you?
15. I always read the newspaper before ... work.
16. I wasn’t feeling very well but the medicine made me ... better.
17. Shall I phone the restaurant ... a table?
18. Tom looked at me without ... anything

Sunshine Star

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Modal versbs intermediate
Упражнения на отработку модальных глаголов, на понимание их употребления и значений
1. "What time will you be home tonight?” "I’m not sure. I ... late.”
2. I can’t find the theatre tickets. They .... out of my pocket.
3. Somebody ran in front of the car as I was driving. Fortunately I .. just in time.
4. We've got plenty of time. We ..... yet
5. I ..... out but I didn’t feel like it, so I stayed at home.
6. I’m sorry I ... come to your party last week.
7. “What do you think of my theory?” "I’m nor sure. You ... right.”
8. I couldn’t wait for you any longer. I .... , and so I went.
9. "Do you know where Liz is?” ‘No. I suppose she ... shopping.”
10. At first they didn’t believe me when I told them what had happened, but in the end I .... them that I was telling the truth.
11. I promised I'd phone Gary this evening. I ..... .
12. Why did you leave without me? You ... for me.
13. Lisa phoned me and suggested ... lunch together.
14. You look nice in that jacket, but you hardly ever wear it. .... it more often.
15. Shall I buy a car? What's your advice? What .... ?

Sunshine Star

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Phrasal verbs intermediate
Закрепление и контроль по теме «Предлоги. Фразовые глаголы»
1. Nobody believed Paul at first but he .... to be right.
2. Here's some good news. It will .... .
3. I was annoyed with the way the children were behaving, so I ...
4. The club committee is .... of the president, the secretary and seven other member.
5. You were going to apply for the job, and then you decided not to. So what .... ?
6. I had no idea that he was lying to me. I was completely ... .
7. Barbara started a course at college, but she .... after six months.
8. You can’t predict everything. Often things don’t ... as you expect.
9. Why are all these people here? What's ... ?
10. It’s a very busy airport. There are planes .... or landing every few minutes.
11. The traffic was moving slowly because a bus had .... and was blocking the road.
12. How are you ... in your new job? Are you enjoying it?

Sunshine Star

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Prepositions elementary
Насколько хорошо ты знаешь предлоги места?
1. Helen is studying law ... university.
2. What is the longest river... Europe?
3. Is there anything ... television this evening?
4. We arrived ....... the hotel after midnight.
5. "Where's Mike?” ‘He’s ... holiday’
6. ‘Tom hasn't got up yet. He's still ... bed.
7. Linda is away. She's been away ... Monday.
8. The next meeting is ... 15 April
9. I usually go to work ... car.
10. There’s too much sugar... my coffee.
11. Kevin lived in London ...... six months. He didn't like it very much.
12. Were there a lot of people ... the party?
13. What are you doing ... the moment? Are you working?
14. I don’t know any of the people ... this photograph.
15. The train was very slow. It stopped ....... every station.
16. I like this room. I like the pictures ... the walls.
17. “Did you buy that picture?’ "No, it was given to me ....... a friend of mine?"
18. I'm going away ...... a few days. I'l be back ...... Thursday.
19. Silvia has gone .... Italy. She's ....... Milan at the moment.
20. Ann left school ... fifteen and got a job .... a shop.

Sunshine Star

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Present Past и Present Perfect elementary
Повторение грамматического материала по временам Present Past и Present Perfect
1. ".... ?" “No, she’s on holiday!"
2. "Where ?" "In a village near London?"
3. I speak Italian but ... French.
4. "Where's Tom?" " ...... a shower at the moment!"
5. Why ...... angry with me yesterday?
6. My favourite film is Cleo’s Dream. ...... it four times.
7. I ....... out last night. I was too tired.
8. Liz is from Edinburgh. She ....... there all her life.
9. My friend .... for me when I arrived.
10. ”How long ........ English?” ‘Six months?‘
11. Martin is English but he lives in France. He has been there .......
12. "What time .......... ?" "About an hour ago”
13. What ........... when you saw her?
14. "Can you drive?” ‘No, ........... a car but I want to learn’
15. I saw Lisa at the station when I was going to work this morning but she .......... me.

Sunshine Star

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Pronouns determiners intermediate
Вставьте подходящие по смыслу варианты ответов
1. I don't remember ... about the accident.
2. Chris and I have known ..... for quite a long time.
3. "How often do the buses run?” " ........... twenty minutes.”
4. I shouted for help, but ...... came
5. Last night we went out with some friends of ......
6. It didn’t take us a long time to get here. ........ traffic.
7. Can I have ..... milk in my coffee, please?
8. Sometimes I find it difficule to ......
9. There's ... on at the cinema thar I want to see, so there’s no point in going.
10. I drink ...... water every day.
11. ...... in the city centre are open on Sunday.
12. There were about twenty people in the photo. I didn’t recognise ....... of them.
13. I’ve been waiting ........ ‘for Sarah to phone.
14. I can’t afford to buy anything in this shop, ........ so expensive.

Sunshine Star

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Часто у начинающих возникают проблемы с незнакомыми артиклями или временами, которых в английском довольно много. С помощью тестов вы также сможете проверить лексику и грамматику.

Рекомендации по прохождению тестов

  1. Перед тем, как начать проходить наши тесты, отбросьте все волнения и успокойтесь — ведь вы не на экзамене, и никто не будет вам ставить оценки за результат. Тесты направлены лишь на то, чтобы разобраться, на каком этапе изучения языка вы находитесь.
  2. Последовательно и максимально честно отвечайте на все вопросы — если вы будете «подглядывать» ответы в интернете или спрашивать совета у родных, то на выходе получите искаженный результат, который не будет соответствовать действительности. Толку от такого тестирования нет.
  3. Не торопитесь, внимательно вчитывайтесь в задания и выбирайте тот вариант, который по вашему мнению, является наиболее подходящим.
  4. Не огорчайтесь, если предел ваших знаний в результате оказался ниже, чем вы ожидали — это огромная зона роста! Вы с легкостью сможете восполнить любою информацию в нашей языковой школе.

Нажимая «Записаться», Вы даете согласие на обработку персональных данных в соответствии с политикой конфиденциальности и принимаете условия пользовательского соглашения.

© 2000-2025 «Саншайн» — языковая школа
Создание сайта — BTB
1. When was the first Sunshine session?
2. For how many days did the first sessions last?
3. What was the biggest number of sections?
4. What was The most frequently visited place for sessions?
5. What countries has sunshine been to?
6. How long did Maccabiah last when it appeared in the camp?
7. What counselor works in the camp longer than others?
8. What was the name of the session where Russian, Maths and English were taught?
9. What was the name of the session which was performed only in Russian?
10. What was the name of the junior session 2020?
11. Who was the first head counselor?
12. What project did Sunshine have on youtube in 2017?
13. What is the real name of Rita?
14. What does «макасёкал» mean?
15. Who created the anthem of Sunshine?
16. What colors were used in macchabiah except yellow, red, blue and green?

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Упс! Что-то прошло мимо тебя))

Заходи к нам в гости на чашечку чая и мы восполним пробелы в твоих знаниях ;)

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