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Языковая школа «Саншайн»

Отчет со смены «Саншайн Форум» 2024 (12-25 июня)

© 2000-2025 «Саншайн» — языковая школа
Создание сайта — BTB
1. When was the first Sunshine session?
2. For how many days did the first sessions last?
3. What was the biggest number of sections?
4. What was The most frequently visited place for sessions?
5. What countries has sunshine been to?
6. How long did Maccabiah last when it appeared in the camp?
7. What counselor works in the camp longer than others?
8. What was the name of the session where Russian, Maths and English were taught?
9. What was the name of the session which was performed only in Russian?
10. What was the name of the junior session 2020?
11. Who was the first head counselor?
12. What project did Sunshine have on youtube in 2017?
13. What is the real name of Rita?
14. What does «макасёкал» mean?
15. Who created the anthem of Sunshine?
16. What colors were used in macchabiah except yellow, red, blue and green?

Ты точно часть нашей яркой команды и знаешь про нас все ;)

Упс! Что-то прошло мимо тебя))

Заходи к нам в гости на чашечку чая и мы восполним пробелы в твоих знаниях ;)

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