Друзья, мы приготовили для вас новую познавательную рубрику!
Чтобы ваша речь стала более разнообразной, предлагаем ознакомиться с видеосюжетом от носителя языка Anghard @ang.haradd!
Angharad is from Sheffield, Yorkshire. She is now working at a publishing company which sells books. She is found of art and music. So she greatly enjoys creating playlists and going to music concerts.
In this collaboration with Sunshine, she will be teaching us some useful phrases that are going to make you sound more like a native speaker.
Todays phrase is: “To beat around the bush” - ходить вокруг да около. It means to discuss something with a person but never come to the topic.
Here are some examples of how you can use it in a sentence:
See you next time!
Видеосюжет от носителя языка доступен по ссылке.
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Заходи к нам в гости на чашечку чая и мы восполним пробелы в твоих знаниях ;)