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Языковая школа «Саншайн»



Что говорят звезды нам в апреле

Друзья, мы запускаем рубрику #HoroscopefromSunshine

Гороскоп для всех знаков зодиака на апрель:

  • Aries

Start the month out by checking in with your wants and needs, dear Aries, as the Sun moves through your sign, forming a sweet alliance with communicative Mercury and the healing asteroid Chiron.

  • Taurus

Try not to let your emotions dictate your actions this month, sweet bull, as Aries season could cause you to jump to conclusions or move without thinking.

  • Gemini

Your social life will be on fire this month, dear Gemini, as Aries season activates the sector of your chart that rules community. Though your dance card will certainly be full, try not to overextend yourself attending every social engagement you’re invited to, or you could end up hitting a wall.

  • Cancer

It’s time to get serious about your career ambitions, dear Cancer, as the Sun, Mercury, and the healing asteroid Chiron all conspire to bring professional growth your way. However, moving ahead with your goals won’t be as simple as rolling up your sleeves and getting to work; you’ll also need to take a few chances, access your confidence, and believe in yourself.

  • Leo

You’ll feel alive this month, sweet lion, as the energy within and around you seems to hum with a sense of adventure and possibility.

  • Virgo

A desire for directness can help you cut to the chase this month, darling Virgo. These vibes will be particularly helpful where your business affairs are concerned, especially if you’re hoping to improve your position.

  • Libra

Don’t be afraid to turn up the heat this month, dear Libra, as Aries season brings passion to the sector of your chart that governs matters of the heart.

  • Scorpio

In April, you will have to decide which path you would like to take in developing your career. Choose wisely, because it will be difficult and time consuming to change your mind.

Sagittarius мSagittarians are waiting for a month full of love and wonderful surprises. Someone will make sure you feel special and happy.

  • Capricorn

Capricorns in April will have to clear up some contentious issues with colleagues if you want the work to go smoothly.

  • Aquarius

Aquarians will regret getting involved in a love relationship with no future. It’s time to leave and forget this person, because April is a good month for new acquaintances.

  • Pisces

The events of this month will make Pisces signs reevaluate many things in their lives and decide that work is not the most important thing.

Получить консультацию

Нажимая «Получить консультацию», Вы даете согласие на обработку персональных данных в соответствии с политикой конфиденциальности и принимаете условия пользовательского соглашения.

© 2000-2025 «Саншайн» — языковая школа
Создание сайта — BTB
1. When was the first Sunshine session?
2. For how many days did the first sessions last?
3. What was the biggest number of sections?
4. What was The most frequently visited place for sessions?
5. What countries has sunshine been to?
6. How long did Maccabiah last when it appeared in the camp?
7. What counselor works in the camp longer than others?
8. What was the name of the session where Russian, Maths and English were taught?
9. What was the name of the session which was performed only in Russian?
10. What was the name of the junior session 2020?
11. Who was the first head counselor?
12. What project did Sunshine have on youtube in 2017?
13. What is the real name of Rita?
14. What does «макасёкал» mean?
15. Who created the anthem of Sunshine?
16. What colors were used in macchabiah except yellow, red, blue and green?

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